This post is a two parter. Let’s talk about the SurveySavvy website and SavvyConnect app. One involves activity on your part and the other provides truly passive income.
SurveySavvy is a website that will email you surveys to complete as well as focus group and online community screeners. Sign up is really quick and doesn’t require you to enter much information at all. Regarding the surveys, the pay per hour for completing them is hot garbage. Don’t waste your time. Sometimes you will get screeners for focus groups and online communities. I always recommend filling those out. They pay better and some of those communities go on for a long time and provide monthly rewards.

SavvyConnect is an app you can install on your computer, phone, and/or tablet and receive truly passive income. Per their terms, “Paid incentive limited to one mobile device (a smartphone OR a tablet) and one computer.” They monitor your web traffic and give you $3 per month for each device you have installed on and keep active.

Assuming you don’t mind someone monitoring your web traffic. That is a free $72 per year. It’s not much. But, it is something. I personally do not mind and aim to monetize my data wherever I can. As it stands, companies out there are already monitoring your traffic through cookies and you’re not seeing a dime.
One nice thing about SavvyConnect is they pay you via check that they mail to you. You should note that it can take a while for the check to show up. So, please don’t rely on this money for anything important. I personally let the money build up and cash out in October. If you assume it takes 6 weeks for the check to show up, that means it will get to my home before Christmas and I’ll have a little extra scratch to buy presents with.
The verdict: 6/10 would recommend.
- Passive income paid via check. Low paying surveys
You can register using my referral link below or download the app directly from your app store of choice.
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